Stradbroke Cup – 2016

The Stradbroke Cup runs annually over the Easter long weekend at numerous scout campsites around Victoria. Scouts camp in individual patrol containing between 4-8 scouts, with no leaders camp with the scouts. Over the weekend scouts have to set up and maintain a campsite that is both safe and of high quality. Leaders spent the weekend assessing the quality of camping the scouts displayed, giving them advice and tips on how they can further improve their campsites. On the Sunday the leaders completed a final ‘assessment’ of the scout’s sites and this resulted in an award to represent their level of camping.

10th Caulfield sent two patrols with five scouts in each down to Joseph Harris Scout Park in Mt Martha. They both set up camp and made improvements throughout the weekend. The scouts say the highlight was making friends with other scouts from different groups and being away from leaders! The two patrols returned home with a Silver and a Co-holder (Gold) award. Overall the scouts were very pleased with their achievement and this is very encouraging to see such a high level of camping displayed by our scouts independently.


The Stradbroke “Challenge” Cup was offered to the Association by His Excellency, The Earl of Stradbroke, after he was farewelled, by a march-past of Scouts at the end of his term of office of Governor of Victoria in 1926.

The Cup was first competed for a Gilwell Park in 1933 when it was awarded for certain specific sections of the Cohen Shield which, at the time, was a combined camping and scoutcraft competition.